Thursday, November 29, 2007

Weight loss surgery
Among the several methods in fighting against obesity, there is one particular way which involves doctors the most, the weight loss surgery. To be exact, this method includes several procedures, such as bariatric surgery or gastric bypass surgery, liposuction and lap-band.
Although weight loss surgery is the last method to turn to when wanting to loose weight, lots of people have already undergone the procedure. All types of the surgery are effective however they are expensive and usually not covered by insurance. These kinds of procedures are usually reserved for the seriously obese with life threatening health problems, persons with BMI over 40 or BMI over 35 and having an additional disease. It is highly recommendable to consult your doctor first or a healthcare specialist before making such drastic decisions as several other long-term, sensible and inexpensive strategies of loosing weight and leading a healthy and active life exist.
In the USA gastric surgeries are the most commonly chosen procedure to achieve weight loss. Both the VBG and the roux-en-Y methods are made in special centers with laparoscopic procedure. The Gastric Bypass is a surgical procedure that literally shrinks the stomach, procedure that makes over- consumption of food impossible, by drastically lowering the amount of food you can eat. It is also good to know that it costs over 20,000 USD.
As any kind of surgery involves a certain percent of risk, so do these weight loss procedures, appearing at 50% of the patients. The most common known side-effect could be a lifelong dependence on supplements to provide basic nutritional requirements which cannot be ingested in the course of normal food consumption. Other risk would be suture separation, sepsis, stoma stenosis, marginal ulcer, thromboembolic diseases or gastrointestinal discomfort.


The soybean is part of a large family of plants called legumes. One of the benefits of legumes relies on their protein content, in fact higher than other plant foods. As for the soy, a mature one is about 42% protein, 33% carbohydrate, 20% oil and 5% hull.
Soybeans have fiber and produce many substances, among which phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are special compounds produced by plants which may help prevent disease and one special group is to be found in soy, called phytoestrogens.
These chemicals, along with the fiber also found in soy, can help reduce LDL cholesterol thereby decreasing the risk of heart disease. Other chemicals in soy may help prevent certain types of cancer and may also help lower the risk of osteoporosis by helping the body retain calcium. Soybeans contain minerals, including iron and, if the processing method is correct, calcium.
Soy foods are rich in isoflavones, being unique plant compounds that match human hormone receptors and aid in special health benefits. Using soy when cooking is quite beneficiary as combined with isoflavones lower cholesterol, provide some protection against cancers of the prostate and uterus, contain antioxidants, inhibit blood clotting, improve the elasticity of blood vessels and aids in the building of bone.
The Food and Drug Administration recommends the eating of 25-50 grams of soy each day if you would like to receive all benefits that soy has to offer.

Exercise=Healthy Lifestyle

The importance of exercise
The most important directive of a healthy lifestyle is regular exercise. Some physical activities improve flexibility, some build muscular strength and some increase endurance having one thing in common: they make our body and mind active and healthy.
Regular physical activity makes your fitness level and capacity for exercise increased and the beauty in it is that you may choose whatever you like as the possibilities are almost endless. You may choose from brisk walking, jumping rope, jogging, bicycling, cross-country skiing, dancing, swimming, weight lifting, aerobic and more, depending on what is your favorite.
If exercising regularly not just your abilities will sharpen, but both the reasons for primary and secondary risks of cardiovascular diseases will decrease. Physical inactivity is a major risk factor for developing atherosclerosis, characterized by deposits of fatty substances, cholesterol, calcium and other substances in the inner lining of arteries. It also contributes to other pathological modifications like obesity, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, a low level of HDL ("good") cholesterol and diabetes.
Exercise is also being prescribed in clinical settings to help treat nervous tension. What first was a theory became a fact, when clinicians measured a decrease in electrical activity of tensed muscles as only one exercise session generates like 90 to 120 minutes of relaxation response.
If you have a busy schedule and don’t find the time for going to the gym, don’t worry – systematic walk or a trip can be as useful and efficient as a targeted exercise program.

Cant decide on what program to try?

How to choose a weight loss program
One of the several methods to fight obesity is weight loss programs. As the bid is various to choose the right one, the one which will not affect your health and has the right outcome, it is a good idea to consult your doctor or a health care specialist first and ask their opinions. In case you decide to go on your own, here are a few facts a rational and good-working weight-loss program should contain:· Healthy eating plans to help reduce calories, but do not rule out specific foods or food groups. Lacking from the basic nutrients your body only suffers and the whole weight loss procedure can turn out disastrously.· If not in the program, at least attached to it some regular physical activity and exercise instructions.Tips on healthy behavior changes:· The program should offer a slow and steady weight loss of about ¾ to 2 pounds per week and not more than 3.· Medical advice if you are planning to lose weight according to a special formula, such as very-low-calorie diet or have any health problems or take medication on a regular basis. · A plan to keep the weight off, after you’ve lost it. Some programs last a specific period of time not covering the period after the weight loss procedure, when the risk to regain the lost fat increases.In no circumstances go into a program which cuts off water or the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs) for vitamins, minerals and protein. The process of weight-loss should be low in calories only, not in essential foodstuffs and never forget about the benefit of the daily exercise.


10 tips for a healthy weight loss
For many people the fight against obesity is a long and laborious road and too often it is a temporary event followed by a steady regain of the lost weight. Luckily, many invaluable strategies exist and with the proper perseverance and support, obesity can be defeated.
Regardless to the method a person chooses to get rid of the unwanted surplus of fat, here are a few tips to keep in mind when starting a
weight loss procedure:
TIP 1 - Exercise - for a successful weight loss with physical activity, strive for a minimum of 5 - 30 minute sessions/week. Find something you enjoy as the possibilities of exercising are almost unlimited. Walking with a friend, swimming, tennis, jogging - enjoy its positive benefits and feel active and healthy.
TIP 2 - Keep a Diary – as it will help you keep a steady schedule and may also reveal some interesting facts, like you turn to snacks when different feelings or emotions are present in your life. It can identify emotions and behaviors that trigger overeating, foster greater awareness of portion sizes and it will keep you focused on your initial goal – loose the accumulated weight.
TIP 3 - Lose weight slowly - the more quickly is a weight loss, the more likely the loss is coming from water and muscle, not fat. Fat loss is best achieved when weight is lost slowly with no more than 1-2 pounds/week
TIP 4 – Try to keep a balanced diet – by making sure you have all the basic nutrients your body needs for a normal function. Carbohydrates are sugars that provide the body with energy, proteins are required for growth, maintenance, repair of body tissues, certain proteins transport oxygen, and you also need a small amount of fat.
TIP 5 - Never skip a meal - make time for breakfast as this is the first course you have after a long period of rest, providing you with the proper energy for starting an active day. Try to consume six small rather than three huge meals a day, with foods from all the food groups, helping to keep blood sugar levels steady, to control appetite and weight.
TIP 6 - Take your vitamins – when keeping a balanced diet you also need some sources of vitamin, so try to consume fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Vitamins contain antioxidants to protect the body's cells and tissues from the damaging effects of toxic molecules called free radicals.
TIP 7 - Watch your portions - be aware of the amounts of food you consume at a sitting by learning to pay attention to your hunger level and stop eating when you feel comfortably full. Know the healthy daily calorie intake at a healthy person based on gender and age, as well as for those who are on a diet.
TIP 8 – Try to sleep and make time for relaxation – in case you don't get enough rest, cortisol levels rise, making a person feel hungry and less satisfied with the consumed food. A number of medical studies have shown that stress can deplete important nutrients like the B complex and C vitamins and sometimes the minerals calcium and magnesium.
TIP 9 - Snack on whole grain, high fiber foods – When being on a diet it doesn't mean that you are banned of your favorite snacks or food, chocolate is allowed from time to time just don't overreact. Whenever you are in the mood for snacks, try replacing chips for foods high in fiber and low in sugar, like oatmeal, whole wheat bread or fruits.
TIP 10 - Avoid caffeine, cigarettes and alcohol – based on a study made by the American Institute of Stress, cigarettes, as well as caffeine-laden soft drinks, coffee, tea, and even chocolate, can cause cortisol levels to rise.